Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Catching up on March 2012: update on the art stuff-

March has been filled on the side with meetings and catchups with friends- writingwise and drawingwise...

Picked up a few art books in March, one "Classic Human Anatomy" by Valerie Winslow, who turns out to be a bay area art teacher--- and marveled/sighed at the level of detail that I probably will never be interested enough to know all the names of the parts of the human body that she lists, but should-

Picked up: "ICONS- Jim Lee", which, by comparison to the first book, in retrospect, feels a bit silly in its title. With all due respect to Lee- (and I hear he's a great guy in person to pros and fans alike--- not always something you hear about those in the biz)--- It's a nice fluff book, but in comparing it to the first one- it feels so lacking by comparison. (I've been recommended a Bruce Timm book by my cousin that supposedly outdoes it by far)

Drawingwise, I've finished pencils on "Faith", but inking has sucked--- so I'm deliberating what to do on that, for the moment.

Black Canary-wise, just haven't had time to complete the story in comic book, animation, let alone live action form.

Anyhow, oddly that hasn't stopped me from still trying to multitask and plant other seeds as well...

* One collaboration may be for a startup - more details later...

* Another collaboration is for self-publishing with a great writer that I'm meeting with in a couple of weeks, big hopes that it can work out...

* And--- there's still 80 hours of footage to edit.

So, for anyone curious about the stats on those projects, it's (sadly) still on 'SLOW....but not DEAD YET', mode...



benton jew said...

The Jim Lee book would probably erase anything you learned from the Winslow book! I know he is a nice guy and all, but Lee's work doesn't really do it for me. The best ( and cheapest ) teacher is to draw from life. Just grab a sketchbook, hit a coffee shop and quietly sketch the patrons. Or better yet, find a figure drawing workshop ( nude or clothed ) and put in a few hours every week. If you have to learn from a book, anything by Andrew Loomis is pure gold! And if you can find (online probably ) any of the Famous Artist correspondence course books. Truly awesome! Especially look for the 50's volumes.

crazy_asian_man said...

Thanks for the tips, Benton! My road of drawing has been a really bumpy one (to say the least)- I know I started too little, too late, might not ever get where I want with it, but I'm not giving up! :)

Thanks as always for your encouragement, man. It's very generous and means a lot!