Ok- how to start? 8:00am in my Antarctican bed- I actually was flip-flopping over going to APE, when I was freaking slightly that there was only going to be a limited amount of parking spaces there--- and didn't relish the idea of circling Fort Mason for hours, nor lugging my portfolio blocks away. Fortunately, I got there early enough and had my first experience inside the gates of Fort Mason. Very pretty place, actually...

10:00am- Got there early. 10:15am- Enjoyed the wonderful view of San Francisco bay at Fort Mason. 10:15am- Got bored of the wonderful view of San Francisco bay. As there are no benches, I park my but on this granite post (no, it's not my weight that cracked this)...

10:30am- Look to the right and see this sign and realize my granite butt-warmer is actually a historical monument of sorts. (!) Brief moment of panic, worrying that it's a holy relic of sorts that my posterior has somehow blasphemed and made unholy...
Doors open! Even though APE apparently started here- I'd only seen it at the concourse- it seemed much huger in this venue. Being next to the bay with Alcatraz and the Golden Gate bridge just outside the doors also made the event feel a lot grander and 'epic' than the building in downtown SF where it was originally...
When I mentioned that there was a guy last year who did have some- he shared that the dealer in question did get a warning of sorts.... so.... interesting, made sense. On another note- was also interesting to hear in the buzz that Dan Vado would be taking BACK Apecon for San Jose next year-... but, back to this year's APE report....
Anyhow, I see my friends from the writing group there- Anthony and Nathan- who both have an AWESOME site on plotting/designing comix (that could easily give Scott McCloud a run for his money) are hosting the 24 comic event and stop by there. By the way- this is the site: http://www.blitzcomics.com/go/ I brought my comic there, but didn't really have the 24 comic in my head as a mission per se, but it was a lot of fun as it started. Stayed there and chatted with folked who stopped by and joined in the 24 hour comic event- hours flew by, lots of fun.... in my normal day to day I NEVER come across other comic artists- so, it was really pleasant to sit at a full table of people of all ages/races who took out their pencils, rulers, and papers and just jump into it.... stayed there until 4pm happened and I was due to attend the WRITER-ARTIST meet & greet event I was registered for.
4pm- (Unfortunately no pix of the meet/greet) Just made it to the writer/artist meet and greet- it was set up like 'speed dating'- each person had two minutes to make their pitch, exchange contact info, and move on. It was a lot of fun, and it was a great feeling to experience being across the table from other folks (more than a few that had come from OUT OF STATE just to make the connections)- to share bits of their dreams, that could- like mine- end up in ridicule and obscurity. The range was varied, but the feeling that came out was this: I'm NOT ALONE in being crazy about devoting my time and energy to a comic that may or may never have an audience. It was almost like experiencing an external family you didn't know you had or were part of--- sort of... 
6:00pm- afterwards, went back to the 24 hour table- where the event was going to continue on another venue..... but, unfortunately I had made other plans- but I do regret not attending this all-night event.
DAY 02: The Farmer's Market kills the parking in the lot, but I end up getting a parking spot at the same location as where Spock and Kirk were looking for pregnant whales in Star Trek IV, so that was kind of fun...

12noonish- Found my friend Nate's brother Ben Costa- and stopped by to introduce myself and buy a very cool t-shirt at his booth (would have to buy the book next time as I was on a tight budget) (unfortunately no pix) Though post-APE, I guess I should congratulate his kickstarter for his book: $27k??? WOW! Nice guy, glad I got the shirt....here is a link: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1643629860/pang-the-wandering-shaolin-monk-vol-2 
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