Thursday, February 14, 2019
Huh? Cookies? Consent? I guess you have to read this first....
Haven't been here in awhile, I don't quite understand all this that I have to include now, so here it is copied:
European Union laws require you to give European Union visitors information about cookies used and data collected on your blog. In many cases, these laws also require you to obtain consent.
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Friday, November 18, 2016
Bummer... no more City of Angel/ Angel tv show website?
Just found out that the official City of Angel website is no longer an "Angel tv show" site, so expect the link to come down once I figure out how to...
Friday, August 19, 2016
So, it's been awhile.... two years?
Well... Been gone awhile.
Long story short, I sidetracked my postings into joining Facebook- but for various reasons, FB turned out to be a giant headache because of its format & whatnot.
I stop in infrequently, but I have to say while FB's format apparently improves some folks' communications and friendships, I have to say its format caused more irritations and headaches...
So, if anyone really wants to know more about me and what's going on with me, they can call or check this blog out.
Finished up a summer session teaching various classes, with some positives and negatives as well.
In any case- as summer starts to wrap up, time opens up to start figuring out what I want to do with the rest of my life.
Certainly, I feel like there's a ton unfinished creatively that I look forward to.
Will see how it goes.
Wednesday, October 08, 2014
APE CON 2014 - Pictures from the front lines
Ok- how to start? 8:00am in my Antarctican bed- I actually was flip-flopping over going to APE, when I was freaking slightly that there was only going to be a limited amount of parking spaces there--- and didn't relish the idea of circling Fort Mason for hours, nor lugging my portfolio blocks away. Fortunately, I got there early enough and had my first experience inside the gates of Fort Mason. Very pretty place, actually...

10:00am- Got there early. 10:15am- Enjoyed the wonderful view of San Francisco bay at Fort Mason. 10:15am- Got bored of the wonderful view of San Francisco bay. As there are no benches, I park my but on this granite post (no, it's not my weight that cracked this)...

10:30am- Look to the right and see this sign and realize my granite butt-warmer is actually a historical monument of sorts. (!) Brief moment of panic, worrying that it's a holy relic of sorts that my posterior has somehow blasphemed and made unholy...
Doors open! Even though APE apparently started here- I'd only seen it at the concourse- it seemed much huger in this venue. Being next to the bay with Alcatraz and the Golden Gate bridge just outside the doors also made the event feel a lot grander and 'epic' than the building in downtown SF where it was originally...
When I mentioned that there was a guy last year who did have some- he shared that the dealer in question did get a warning of sorts.... so.... interesting, made sense. On another note- was also interesting to hear in the buzz that Dan Vado would be taking BACK Apecon for San Jose next year-... but, back to this year's APE report....
Anyhow, I see my friends from the writing group there- Anthony and Nathan- who both have an AWESOME site on plotting/designing comix (that could easily give Scott McCloud a run for his money) are hosting the 24 comic event and stop by there. By the way- this is the site: I brought my comic there, but didn't really have the 24 comic in my head as a mission per se, but it was a lot of fun as it started. Stayed there and chatted with folked who stopped by and joined in the 24 hour comic event- hours flew by, lots of fun.... in my normal day to day I NEVER come across other comic artists- so, it was really pleasant to sit at a full table of people of all ages/races who took out their pencils, rulers, and papers and just jump into it.... stayed there until 4pm happened and I was due to attend the WRITER-ARTIST meet & greet event I was registered for.
4pm- (Unfortunately no pix of the meet/greet) Just made it to the writer/artist meet and greet- it was set up like 'speed dating'- each person had two minutes to make their pitch, exchange contact info, and move on. It was a lot of fun, and it was a great feeling to experience being across the table from other folks (more than a few that had come from OUT OF STATE just to make the connections)- to share bits of their dreams, that could- like mine- end up in ridicule and obscurity. The range was varied, but the feeling that came out was this: I'm NOT ALONE in being crazy about devoting my time and energy to a comic that may or may never have an audience. It was almost like experiencing an external family you didn't know you had or were part of--- sort of... 
6:00pm- afterwards, went back to the 24 hour table- where the event was going to continue on another venue..... but, unfortunately I had made other plans- but I do regret not attending this all-night event.
DAY 02: The Farmer's Market kills the parking in the lot, but I end up getting a parking spot at the same location as where Spock and Kirk were looking for pregnant whales in Star Trek IV, so that was kind of fun...

12noonish- Found my friend Nate's brother Ben Costa- and stopped by to introduce myself and buy a very cool t-shirt at his booth (would have to buy the book next time as I was on a tight budget) (unfortunately no pix) Though post-APE, I guess I should congratulate his kickstarter for his book: $27k??? WOW! Nice guy, glad I got the is a link: 
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Wassup???? What's been going on in the background.....
Well--- Been busy with health and life stuff- long story, but hopefully it's on the path for things getting better soon, I hope I hope!
But more importantly, on the side, I've been doing a lot of research into the history of China for the project I've slowly been preparing that I hope to unveil soon.
Today, I was thrilled to get my 'sampler' package from which was highly recommended to me by two friends.
Also--- came across a graphic novel reprint series called "Vagabond" at my local library which I'm finding VERY interesting art-wise, and because it deals with much asian imagery.
Many ancient asian-based comics don't seem to do well at the local comic shops.... the ones I know of, have tried getting them, but they seem to end up in bargain bin purgatory.
I hope the project I'm working on doesn't end up in the same purgatory, but will see soon enough....
(crossing fingers)
Sunday, April 27, 2014
It's been awhile- but it's also been EXTREMELY creative! (Yea me!)
It's been a long time since the last post-
Mucho changes going on in my personal life which I won't bore anyone with-
It's been REEEEALLY pretty good, albeit extremely slow.
Lots of research for two titles that I've been working on and hope to self-publish by August or September.
One is a martial arts one- but one that I hope is different enough from what's been out there-
Sadly, a LOT of asian comics seem to end up in the 'clearance' rack at comic shops and wrestling with the
right approach and concept that I hope has some appeal.
After all-
It's not Marvel. It's not DC. It's not Dark Horse-
It's not Manga either.
But, anyways, it's been a LONG time percolating.
The second one is a somewhat more lighthearted fare that is having a few concept problems, but I like the characters.
On another note:
Going to be what looks like a really fun (I hope!) summer at the movies.
Really enjoyed (though not quite as tight as the Dark Knight) the new Captain America movie--- Scarjo has never exactly been my choice for Widow (especially since Emily Blunt was originally cast and is by far a better choice imo) but I admit that for her version of Widow, this film put her to best use & Marvel has been REALLY smart in realizing that the supporting cast is just as important to the appeal of their Marvel properties as is the lead character.
Batroc? Black Widow? Falcon? How cool is that in a Captain America movie?
The worry comes that the title I have in mind, that someone else will come in first before I reach the publication date.
Oh well... will see...
Wednesday, January 01, 2014
2014 New Year's Creative Goals and Projects
2014 has officially started- no time to waste!
Ok..... So, the biggest danger is standing still or being paralyzed by indecision. This is one of three graphic novel projects that I hope to complete (at least a first draft) by the end of the year.
Concept notes to follow, plus creative figuring out....
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