Years ago, I attended a CGI seminar, where Rob Legatto was the keynote speaker, and talked (if memory serves right) about how legendary filmmaker James Cameron asked Digital Domain if they could create digital water, so that the "Titanic" movie could actually be made the way that he intended.
Without knowing for sure, DD said "Yes, we can!"--- even though they had never been able (nor had anyone at that point) to create computer generated water at that stage. They essentially committed to figuring it out by a deadline, while the picture began shooting and the movie had already been set to be booked in theatres by a set date. If they couldn't make it work, then the movie would probably have been toast without that key bit, and it's probably not impossible to say that it might have sunk a studio as well.
I was shocked when I heard this story, and wondered: "Is this how all movies are made? You don't know if you can jump across the bridge, but do it anyways?"
Similiarly, cut to now.
The sucky thing of course is that, unlike working on a Hollywood project, a fan film usually is done whilst juggling the day job, so to speak, which has no sympathy for the ideal way in which you would like to work.

The outline for the three part Black Canary story is set, (finally), but the main thing (besides Black Canary's look and ability)- is whether or not we can deliver a kickarse action sequence worthy of the gigantic standards put out by both professionals and fan films nowadays. Like special effects, the audience is probably more picky than any other time in history with its creative demands. Time is (potential) money, so if an audience gives up their attention to watch a fan film, they damn well be entertained, and I certainly understand that unspoken contract between filmmaker and viewer.
"Vangelis", (the last film done prior to this current one), suprisingly was able to have its action sequences unscathed by nasty fan critics, a large part of that credit goes to Tom Miller and Boran Vukajlovic.
This time around, there are a number of options in regards to the action sequence. and very little time to enact it. Can we do it?
Not much choice.
"Yes, we can".
((Or else it'll suck and I'll have wasted a lot of time on these blogs. So, we can't afford to suck. ;p ))
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